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Women - Selected Drawings and Illustrations - Book Two

26-01-2013, 11:22
Women - Selected Drawings and Illustrations - Book Two
Publisher: Other
Pictures: 86
Language: English
Size: 138.9 mb.
Tags: Frank Cho Women Selected Drawings Illustrations Book One Book Two 2013

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  1. Douglas Funny
    Douglas Funny 1 February 2013 22:06
    At the risk of being flamed or worse (no offense intended, I've just seen webmasters and admins ban users for matters even more trivial than this.):

    "Definitely not for the faint of heart and Tea-bag Republicans."

    Really? Do politics really have to be brought into this? I mean, what's the relevance other than one persons prejudgments about a group of people? And before any assumptions get made, no, I'm not a republican, I'm a libertarian.
    I mean, a lot of people visit this site and not all of them are going to share your views. It just seems like alienating groups of your potential viewers/members/download-"ers"/whatever might not be the best way to go about things.