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Batman Confidential (1-54 series) Complete

16-12-2012, 17:13
Batman Confidential (1-54 series) Complete
Publisher: DC / Collections
Year: 2007-2011
Pictures: 54 comics
Language: English
Size: 772.6 mb.
Tags: Batman Confidential Batman Confidential DC comics

DOWNLOAD Batman Confidential (1-54 series) Complete:

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  1. demonicsirion
    demonicsirion 26 January 2013 01:04
    can't download,file is 772mb,novafile limit is 600mb
  2. andrey
    andrey 26 January 2013 09:49
    Quote: demonicsirion
    can't download,file is 772mb,novafile limit is 600mb

    To download such large files, you must have a premium account. New files if they are larger than 600 MB, we divide the archives of 500 mb.
  3. demonicsirion
    demonicsirion 26 January 2013 13:45
    I don't have money for a premium account,otherwise i would'n be downloading them,i would buy them,thanks anyways
  4. andrey
    andrey 26 January 2013 14:28
    Quote: demonicsirion
    I don't have money for a premium account,otherwise i would'n be downloading them,i would buy them,thanks anyways

    Updated the link, now you can download for free
  5. demonicsirion
    demonicsirion 26 January 2013 14:33
    thank you very much,that was really nice of you love