Adventures in the DC Universe (1-19 series + Annual) Complete Add favorites 8-08-2013, 20:11 59 Publisher: DC / Collections Year: 1997-1998 Pictures: 20 issues Language: English Size: 197.4 mb. Tags: Adventures in the DC Universe Adventures DC Universe DOWNLOAD Adventures in the DC Universe (1-19 series + Annual) Complete: Related comics: 2014-2015 year 24 issues pages | 1018.8 Megabytes Collection DC - The New 52 (24.12.2014, week 51) 2013 year 13 issues pages | 519.4 Megabytes Collection DC - The New 52 (31.07.2013, week 31) ~1400 pages | 878.9 Megabytes Batman DC (Series 51-110 of ?)