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Detective Comics (Volume 1) 1-50 series

10-04-2013, 02:15
Detective Comics (Volume 1) 1-50 series
Publisher: DC / Collections
Pictures: 50 comics
Language: English
Size: 1800 mb.
Tags: Detective Comics Detective Comics 1937-2011 Detective Comics collection Detective Comics vol 1 David Hine Scott Snyder Greg Rucka Tony S Daniel Tony S. Daniel various Scott Snyder

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  1. emmalan
    emmalan 11 August 2016 02:03
    Hi! Can someone upload this series to another site? I can't download it from florenfile because I have a free acount that limits the sizes of the archives to 1000mg, and I can't pay and account since I don't have a credit card. So...please!!
  2. andrey
    andrey 12 August 2016 11:27
    Sorry, but we only work with florenfile